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This How-To uses EdgeOS 1.7

Summary :

set interfaces ethernet ethX vrrp vrrp-group XXX virtual-address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/XX
set interfaces ethernet ethX vrrp vrrp-group XXX priority XXX
set interfaces ethernet ethX vrrp vrrp-group XXX preempt false
set interfaces ethernet ethX vrrp vrrp-group XXX authentication type ah
set interfaces ethernet ethX vrrp vrrp-group XXX authentication password ??????????

To create a virtual routing cluster using EdgeRouters (or any router that supports the protocol). The idea is that each router will have an interface IP and a shared virtual IP.

  • R1 ETH0 ->
  • R2 ETH0 ->
  • VirtualIP ->

ssh into router 1 and use the following commands Replace the "X" with your environment's variables.

set interfaces ethernet ethX vrrp vrrp-group XXX virtual-address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/XX

Then the same thing in the router2.

set interfaces ethernet ethX vrrp vrrp-group XXX virtual-address XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/XX

If both routers are on the same switch, they will work out who is master and who is backup. To designate this manually use the following commands on R1

set interfaces ethernet ethX vrrp vrrp-group XXX priority XXX

(NOTE: The priority numbers range from 1-254, the higher the number the higher the priority) On R2

set interfaces ethernet ethX vrrp vrrp-group XXX priority XX

In the event the master router goes down, the backup is running, and you don't want them to switch when the master comes back online; disable preemption on both routers.

set interfaces ethernet ethX vrrp vrrp-group XXX preempt false

To secure the routing cluster from an unauthorized router joining them

set interfaces ethernet ethX vrrp vrrp-group XXX authentication type ah
set interfaces ethernet ethX vrrp vrrp-group XXX authentication password ??????????