To manage AWS resources remotely with scripts.
Initial use case is to create and manage snapshots of EC2 instances. I want to create new snapshots then delete old ones. This could be managed internally with AWS, but it looks like that would cost more and I don't mind learning something new.
Listing EC2 Instances
I need to list the instances and parse that list so I know what I am working with. Though not needed for creating snapshots, this was helpful in learning how aws-cli functions. I started with a serverfault post[1] and broke down the steps contained within. The example provided was
aws ec2 describe-instances --filters Name=vpc-id,Values=vpc-e2f17e8b --query 'Reservations[].Instances[].Tags[?Key==`Name`].Value[]'
But the query statement didn't make much sense to me. At this point I started to replicate this in my lab. The key here is that you want to look at the output of the standard describe-instances command
{ "Reservations": [ { "Instances": [ { "Monitoring": { "State": "disabled" }, "PublicDnsName": "", "StateReason": { "Message": "Client.UserInitiatedShutdown: User initiated shutdown", "Code": "Client.UserInitiatedShutdown" }, "State": { "Code": 80, "Name": "stopped" ... "Tags": [ { "Value": "My-VM", "Key": "Name" } ],
Since the information I need is nested, I will need to drill down.[2]