Igel Teamviewer
Revision as of 11:56, 7 August 2020 by Michael.mast (talk | contribs)
wget https://download.teamviewer.com/download/linux/teamviewer_amd64.tar.xz tar -xf teamviewer_amd64.tar.xz rm -rf teamviewer/logfiles echo 'LC_ALL=C teamviewer' > teamviewer/teamviewer.sh && chmod +x teamviewer/teamviewer.sh
- Initialization script
#!/bin/sh logfolder='/var/log/teamviewer' ACTION="custompart-teamviewer_${1}" # mount point path MP=$(get custom_partition.mountpoint) # custom partition path CP="${MP}/teamviewer" # output to systemlog with ID and tag LOGGER="logger -it ${ACTION}" echo "Starting" | $LOGGER case "$1" in init) ln -sv ${CP}/teamviewer /usr/sbin/teamviewer | $LOGGER ln -sv ${CP}/teamviewer.sh /usr/sbin/teamviewer.sh | $LOGGER mkdir ${logfolder} && chown user ${logfolder} | $LOGGER ln -sv ${logfolder} ${CP}/logfiles | $LOGGER chown -R user ${CP}/config | $LOGGER mkdir ${CP}/profile && chown user ${CP}/profile | $LOGGER touch ${CP}/teamviewer.desktop && chown user ${CP}/teamviewer.desktop | $LOGGER ln -sv ${CP}/tv_bin /userhome/tv_bin | $LOGGER chown -R user ${CP}/tv_bin | $LOGGER ;; stop) unlink /usr/sbin/teamviewer | $LOGGER unlink /usr/sbin/teamviewer.sh | $LOGGER unlink /userhome/tv_bin | $LOGGER unlink ${CP}/logfiles | $LOGGER esac echo "Finished" | $LOGGER exit 0
- Create the partition.
chmod +x custompart-teamviewer version=$(teamviewer/teamviewer --version | grep -Eo [0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+) tar -cjvf teamviewer_${version}.tar.bz2 teamviewer custompart-teamviewer
- Create inf file.
cat <<EOF > teamviewer.inf [INFO] [PART] file="teamviewer_${version}.tar.bz2" version="${version}" size="500M" name="teamviewer" minfw="11.03.500" EOF
Teamviewer Quick Support
Though I was able to get QS to run on Igel, the version is 11.x while the latest client is 15.x. The client refused to connect to the QS server because it was too old. I wanted QS due to it's simplified configuration. Had to abandon using QS.
- Download, extract, and prep archive.
wget https://download.teamviewer.com/download/version_11x/teamviewer_qs.tar.gz tar -xf teamviewer_qs.tar.gz rm -rf teamviewerqs/logfiles echo 'LC_ALL=C teamviewer' > teamviewerqs/qs.sh && chmod +x teamviewerqs/qs.sh
- Initialization script based on Zoom script from Igel. I named it custompart-qs to stay consistent.
#!/bin/sh logfolder='/var/log/teamviewer' ACTION="custompart-qs_${1}" # mount point path MP=$(get custom_partition.mountpoint) # custom partition path CP="${MP}/teamviewerqs" # output to systemlog with ID amd tag LOGGER="logger -it ${ACTION}" echo "Starting" | $LOGGER case "$1" in init) ln -sv ${CP}/teamviewer /usr/sbin/teamviewer | $LOGGER ln -sv ${CP}/qs.sh /usr/sbin/qs.sh | $LOGGER mkdir ${logfolder} && chown user ${logfolder} | $LOGGER ln -sv ${logfolder} ${CP}/logfiles | $LOGGER chown -R user ${CP}/config | $LOGGER mkdir ${CP}/profile && chown user ${CP}/profile | $LOGGER touch ${CP}/teamviewer.desktop && chown user ${CP}/teamviewer.desktop | $LOGGER ln -sv ${CP}/tv_bin /userhome/tv_bin | $LOGGER chown -R user ${CP}/tv_bin | $LOGGER ;; stop) unlink /usr/sbin/teamviewer | $LOGGER unlink /usr/sbin/qs.sh | $LOGGER unlink /userhome/tv_bin | $LOGGER unlink ${CP}/logfiles | $LOGGER esac echo "Finished" | $LOGGER exit 0
- Create the partition.
chmod +x custompart-qs version=$(teamviewerqs/teamviewer --version | grep -Eo [0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+) tar -cjvf qs_${version}.tar.bz2 teamviewerqs custompart-qs
- Create inf file.
cat <<EOF > qs.inf [INFO] [PART] file="qs_${version}.tar.bz2" version="${version}" size="500M" name="qs" minfw="11.03.500" EOF